Ashes of pain

What about me? I asked. What about the time I spent?
Silly excuses, empty heart, look at the mirror
Who’s the men I saw last night on my dream
Before he got rid of his own affections
I know you, more than you guess, more than I should
Even though your implausible kindness
I mean, it’s not my business since today
But I’m still asking, I always do
Trying not to think, not to feel, not to run
I didn’t want to let you alone, whining in the dark
I just wanted you to be my real soul, my deepest thought
There’re a lot of words to describe the way I felt
But the only one I knew, disappeared… underground
It’s behind the door you closed apart,
I’m not kind-hearted enough, not really
And you’re not slyer than me, clumsy guy
Take a bow; it seems to be the only thing between us
I’m not trying to pass you over
This is not a kind of insult, I just want to forget
So, do you expect me to believe you?
Right now, in the same place where you said you loved me
Don’t be a jerk my darling, I must be dying
If I trust to you one more time… ever.


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